
I am writing to thank you for the excellent support you provided to our recent Communications Day. Having already requested your help, I was concerned that combining a day of physical and cerebral exercise may be a little overly-ambitious. However, your infectious spirit and clear experience and expertise combined to deliver an excellent experience for all and a real sense of achievement. The hints, tips and practical demonstrations left, even the most experienced, feeling they had learned something that would improve their delivery at future presentations and pitches. The intellectual tools that you provided for us will provide the greatest long-term benefits to the organisation and that is gift for which we are incredibly grateful.

Probably one of the best training sessions I have been on! I thoroughly enjoyed the content and the way it was delivered; you are such an enthusiastic and inspirational trainer. You made everything very clear and I had plenty of things I could put into practice straight away.

For me it was a really inspirational session, mainly because of Jess’s way of transmitting things. When you attend a training day, usually you expect some knowledge sharing in terms of theory, tips, a bunch of slides, etc… What I got out of Jess is more important and impactful: how she approached the topic, how she used the body to create ambience, how she used voice modulation, changing the rhythm and emphasis, and coordinating the message with all of those. Is a real demonstration of how to have personal impact by actually ‘doing’. I’ve been involved in many training sessions, both attending and delivering, and I’ve met hundreds of trainers, and I can tell you that Jess is a diamond. I would like to have more sessions with her on other related topics.

I really enjoyed the training – good reminder of the fundamentals of communication and powerful practical exercises.

Jess was a breath of fresh air and provided an excellent day’s training on how to make an impact. She did it in such a different way to how I might have expected. I would highly recommend her for any further training of a similar nature.

It has been a very long time since I commissioned a training course and every single delegate had something positive to say, no complaints and so much positivity. There was so much variety and choice in the sessions with really practical techniques that we could all apply straight away.

The feedback I had from the delegates I spoke with afterwards was very good. I think they really enjoyed something different. A great session, thank you!

[Following the sessions] I delivered with much more confidence and being punchy without being too pushy; feedback from others [on my performance] has been great as well.

Fantastic; definitely something we'll be doing again

We loved your workshop and the feedback from pupils has been wholly positive - you are definitely on our list to have back for this type of training again!